Post 4: A picture I like

This picture was taken by me days after my first day at university. At that time I was at the escalators in the Plaza de Armas metro station. This picture means the beginning of a new era in my life because when I took it I realized that this was going to be my daily trip for the next years. After taking this photo I looked at it closely and I noticed an achitectural beauty which is directly related to symmetry, lights, and modern figures. I think it's important to register these daily life moments because you can find interesting things that we tend to overlook, especially this kind of places that we think we know entirely. In my opinion, line 3 is a great place to be. It's clean and safe. Everytime I walk through the stations I feel impressed by how well built it is. Besides, I believe this is even a space where I can reflect on technology and modernity. I think that we should be more a ware of the places that sourround us everyday. !!